Hello Team!
To the new year! We wanted to take a couple minutes to keep everyone updated on this month’s events.
Drawing Results: Last month’s drawing was about information that should be added to the Plan of Care binders as well as anything Align as an organization can do to provide better service and value to our caregivers and clients. We’ve received some great suggestions and will do the drawings at the Holiday Party!
Holiday Party: As you likely know, the Holiday Party is scheduled for Saturday, February 6th from 5pm-8pm. Please RSVP to reserve seats for you and a guest. Dinner and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided. Alcohol will be available for purchase.
Client Mileage: When clocking out, the system asks for your mileage. This mileage is intended only to be miles you transport clients in your vehicle and not miles you drive to the client’s home.
Available Hours: For anyone looking for additional hours, please let us know. We have hours with new clients available. Also, anyone looking to consolidate from multiple agencies into more availability with Align, we are in a position to make commitments, just let us know.
Finding Someone Doing It Right: As we all know, life happens quick in home health. If issues present themselves, please continue to let the office know as soon as possible. This allows us to find replacements. Recently, a member of the team stepped up at the last minute to take a couple pop up shift to help out. It was short notice and she stepped in to assist a client in need. Please help me congratulate Tena M. on a job well done!!
Monthly Drawing: The drawing is still open to send in any suggestions and thoughts you have about how we could be a better agency. Not only are you, as an Align caregiver, on the front lines of client care, your experiences with other agencies give you keen insight on the industry. We valuable what you have to say so please send suggestions in. After the drawings, we will compile a list and look to implement the items. Good luck!